You can safely use FRONTLINE® Plus on your Labrador, Golden Retriever or any other large breed puppy from as early as 8 weeks old. Rest assured that FRONTLINE® Plus will effectively terminate all fleas and most disease-causing ticks without hassle. The formulation contains fipronil, an active ingredient that attacks the nerve cells of the little busybodies causing your dog to itch and scratch. They get hyperactive, disorientated and then they die. Combined with (S)-methoprene inhibiting insect growth, this is the perfect product to control tick and flea infestations for 30 days. Reapply this waterproof product monthly for continuous results and refrain from bathing your pet 3 days before and 3 days after treatment.
Frontline Plus 20-40kg 1x2,68ml pipette
To apply, simply follow these instructions–and repeat every 30 days:
- Remove Applicator: Lift and remove the plastic tab to expose foil backing. Then peel away the foil. Or use scissors to open
- Open Applicator: Hold upright with foil side toward you and snap applicator tip
- Apply FRONTLINE Plus: Part your dog’s hair between the shoulder blades. Place the applicator tip just above the skin and squeeze. Apply entire contents of the applicator in a single spot directly onto the animal’s skin. Do not apply on top of the haircoat. Avoid contact with treated area until dry
Additional Tips
- Remove the dog’s collar
- Apply as a spot between your dog’s shoulder blades in 1 area that can’t be licked
- Avoid touching the wet application spot
- Wait 24 hours to allow solution to dry before bathing or letting your dog swim
- Give each of your dogs its own complete dose